Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If you saw a raccoon under your bed, what would you do?

i would carry it outside, and give it a lollipopIf you saw a raccoon under your bed, what would you do?
wonder where it had come from, then prob shout at it to get out, maybe threaten it with phoning the police... depends what kinda raccoon it was really and how willing it was to just put back what it'd messed up and leave my bedroom ..If you saw a raccoon under your bed, what would you do?
shoot it and eat it... NO NO thats cruel! i would pet it and give it some water! because i always have water onmy dresser! :)
Get very worried. It may have rabies!
Smile and wave, ask his name, then invite him for supper.
Call pest control? It's not a funny answer but it's true..
Be his/her friend. = )
Scream %26amp; jump out of the window.

Rape it!
Know that it's here to kill me.....
Pet him.
scream and cry for my mom.
make him some popcorn
Scream my lungs out then say hi and pet it!
I'd probably shut my door and go tell my parents.
honestly.....scream and run
pet it, and wonder why it's under my bed.

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