Friday, February 12, 2010

Whats the best kinda food to feed raccoons tht keep visiting my yard?

What should I feed them, I think they are cute and I want to show my 4 year old son them up close when they come by againWhats the best kinda food to feed raccoons tht keep visiting my yard?
Your four year old gimp kid.Whats the best kinda food to feed raccoons tht keep visiting my yard?
I understand your interest in sharing the wildlife experience with your son, but feeding wild animals is a really bad idea:

They can be dangerous, to your child and neighborhood pets;

your neighbors may decide to trap or dispatch them if they disturb them;

they sometimes carry diseases or fleas and ticks that can infest your yard, and the growing problem of raccoon ringworm has led to blindness in an increasing number of people;

they are capable of finding food on their own and should not rely on people to feed them. They need to teach their young to forage on their own as well;

Leaving food out at night can also invite opossum and skunk opportunists.

The best lesson you can teach your son is to respect wildlife and the wild habitat. Please give this some thought :-)
In states south of Illinois raccoons carry rabies.

In Wisconsin they tear the window screens off of the windows if they think food is inside, I really REALLY would not encourage feeding them.

If you must--put out chicken bones AWAY from the house. Or dry dog food. But the more that come, the more poop you'll have in your yard and the more likelyhood of them starting to do physical damage to the property.
We humans tend to forget how resourceful and adaptable wildlife really is. Please don't start feeding them.

I don't encourage anyone to feed wild animals. They may be ';cute';, but wild animals need to maintain their natural fear of humans. If they begin to associate humans (or coming around your home) with a free handout, you are encouraging them to try this bad behavior with other neighbors who may not be as appreciative of their visits as you are.

You are increasing their chances of being shot, trapped or having an unwanted encounter with a domestic dog. It will not end well.

And because raccoons are considered one of the top rabies transmitters, a nuisance raccoon that is trapped is required to be euthanized in many states.

If you train them to start hanging around for a free handout, you are delivering them a death sentence.

If you do want to start teaching your son about wildlife, start with a walk in your local park (some of ours offer various programs designed for children, including night-time ';flashlight froghunts'; and owl walks). Teach him to appreciate wildlife without interfering with it, and you'll do your son a much bigger service than just showing him the ';cute'; animals.
They sure love dog food. Pretty please with sugar on top, let there be a pane of glass between your son and the raccoons when he sees them. Those animals can be some of the nastiest creatures around. My husband has physically fought them off when trying to keep them away from our chickens, and I've seen a dog or two torn to shreds by raccoons. They may look cute, but they are crazy when they want to be.
rat poison

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