Friday, February 5, 2010

How do I chase away the raccoons without hurting them?

Don't use vinegar on the lawn! It will kill the grass and render the soil incapable of growth of anything!

Now, Don't think i am crazy but I had raccoons eating my sweet corn and ammonia, human urine and a transistor radio set to a talk station kept them at bay.How do I chase away the raccoons without hurting them?
Trap them. Get a small trap (sold at farm supply stores and even sometimes garden warehouses) Put a cracker with peanut butter or some fruit in the trap, set it, and wait. The raccoons will head in there, be trapped, and then you can let them go in the woods. Use gloves so your hands don't get hurt when you take the cage to the woods to set them free. My dad once had an animal problem like this with groundhogs, but this will probably work with raccoons. Hope this helps.How do I chase away the raccoons without hurting them?
Find out why they are there in the first place. Maybe they smell or see a food source (garbage?), or a quiet place to nest. If you get rid of what they desire, they should move to somewhere else.
Vinegar...just pour it around in your lawn and it will keep the raccoons away and will help the soil with the growth of grass...The key is to spread it around with a hair spray bottle.
try making a fastener for any trash they can get into--i know they make a mess, so that should help for a while at least. they are pretty smart
Use moth balls around cozy areas they may want to snuggle into, also around any food source such as garbage cans,compost,etc. Eliminate what they are there for weather it is food or shelter.Not sure what they want, look for their signs of where they were and find what they were after. Before you use a trap check your local laws, in some places it is illegal for you to trap. Call your local animal control for laws and advice.
I use hot pepper flakes to keep raccoons from digging up transplants.

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