Sunday, February 7, 2010

I get bit by young raccoon today. The bite just pierced my dermis, there was little blood. Will I die?

My right hand, middle finger was bitten. The bite was very shallow, not much blood, and almost no pain.I get bit by young raccoon today. The bite just pierced my dermis, there was little blood. Will I die?
Go to the hospital immediately. Since it drew some blood you need to get a rabies shot. With rabies you don't want to take ANY chances!I get bit by young raccoon today. The bite just pierced my dermis, there was little blood. Will I die?
Did the raccoon have any visible signs of rabies? Frothing at the mouith? Angry and charging at you for no reason? Attacking you for no reason? Usually a raccoon has to be provoked. Since you said it was day when you were bit makes me think you provoked it, as racoons are night dwellers. You probably don,t have rabies. You probably were messing with the coon when it was trying to sleep If you think you have symptoms alert authorities. They,ll KILL it if they find it and test it. Meanwhile, stay away from wild animals if you don,t know how to handle them. Sorry, but I think you screwed up and an animal will die for your inexperience.
Go to the hospital/medical centre. Even though the bite was not deep, it is deep enough for infection. Animals sometimes carry diseases. Bites from any animal, need to be checked by a doctor Go to the doctor to have the injury assessed. You will probaly need a tetanus injection.
you might
You most likely won't die, but you do need to see a doctor. Raccoons can carry rabies.
Please, call your dr. within 48 hrs. of the bite. Blood was drawn, that is considered to be like a puncture wound. You need to go get it cleaned proplerly, and a tetnus shot, to help prevent any chance of rabies, etc. You might even be put on an antibiotic for a few days, to protect you from any other disease from the bite. It may not seem like much, but my son was bitten by a prairie dog (pet?) at a friends' house a few years back, and his tetnus shot was current, but they gave him antibiotics for other stuff. Take care.
you need to go to the ER and get the rabies vaccine...seriously...if you were bitten....raccoons carry rabies and rabies will kill you but only after driving you insane. Even if it didn't break your skin...they carry rabies in their saliva and if their mouth came in contact with your skin and you ,say, rubbed your just infected yourself....Get to the ER!! DON'T wait till tomorrow...go NOW!!!
Girl! Quit trying to play with raccoons. Well with my experience it will be sore but you will be ok. My daughter has been bit by a chipmunk and it was pretty bad and she was fine. I was bit by a wild mouse and dang it hurt but it got better. Let's all just go and play with the lions next. Shall we?
Could get rabbies ,go to doctor.
You should go see a doctor because raccoons sometimes can transmit rabies (and from that you might die) or also you finger may get infected because their teeth is really dirty.

You need to get a rabies vaccine and some antibiotics

Good luck
see a doc you dont want rabbies.
Raccoons are known to carry rabies! It is VERY unlikely that you will die! Go to a octer.
Raccoons carry rabies. You need to get yourself checked out and possibly get a tetanus shot. Go to the E.R. or one of those clinics that charge an arm and a leg. Better to be safe than sorry.
no you wont die but u should check for poison from it!
Clean the site with warm soap and water. Peroxide is good if you have it and go see a doctor. Raccoons can carry rabies and the bite could get infected. At least you will need a Tetanus or even a Rabies shot. But it is best to go see a doctor right away to prevent infection from setting in.

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