Friday, February 5, 2010

Orphaned Raccoon... Help?

I have acquired a new born raccoon. I know how and what to feed it and that you have to stimulate a bowel movement. He drinks about 2-3mls of KMR every two hours and has no trouble urinating, but hasn't had a BM since yesterday. But how often do they have bowel movements? He appears healthy and doesn't seem bloated. Does anybody that has dealt with new born raccoons know how often he should be going?

Thank-youOrphaned Raccoon... Help?

yeahh my mother had told me that she had recived an orhaned racoon when she was younger, its mother had been shot by a hunter, it was a new born too. idk how they did evey thing, but in the end i know it turned out well and lived very happily with them, it would sleep with them and walk around the house and follow every one!

hope you and your racoon have a great life together!Orphaned Raccoon... Help?
Unless you have a license to rehabilitate wildlife, you need to get it to someone who does- it's illegal for you to keep him yourself.

If they are anything like kittens, they'll only defecate every few days.

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